LECTRIX is developing
several merchant transmission projects. The two most advanced are
the Lloydminster converter station and the Montana Alberta Tie Line,
a joint venture with Rocky Mountain Power Ltd of Calgary.

Lloydminster Converter Station
The Lloydminster project is a 150MW converter station located
in the town of Lloydminster, Alberta. The contemplated project is
expected to utilize a Siemens supplied Grid Power Flow Controller
(“GPFC”) to connect the Saskatchewan and Alberta grids.
The LECTRIX Lloydminster Converter Station is one of the first
merchant transmission projects in North America. The converter station
will represent a new interconnection between the Western System
Coordinating Council (“WSCC”) and the Mid American Power
Pool (“MAPP”). It is one of two corridors for power
transmission providing Alberta with access to market and supply
regions in the US midwest. An AC-DC-AC converter station, or GPFC
is required at the interconnection between the WSCC and MAPP as
they are asynchronous (out of phase with each other) and cannot
be directly connected without power flow control devices (converters)
to resynchronize power flowing from one grid to the other.
The Alberta Transmission Administrator has reviewed the LECTRIX’s
draft tariff and allowed merchant transmission rates. In addition,
the first mile of the138 kV transmission line has been built. To download a 12MB video of the first mile starting at the ATCO substation and traveling east toward the Saskatchewan border, click here.

LECTRIX intends to lease the full capacity of the project to parties
who want to buy, sell and move power between or through Alberta
and Saskatchewan. LECTRIX may also seek opportunities to sell ancillary
services to the Alberta Electric System Operator.
Parties can register their interest in this project by returning the GPFC Registration of Interest. Questions related to the Lloydminster project should be directed
to Reynold Roeder at 503-320-5540.
Montana Alberta Tie Line
Montana Alberta Tie Ltd ("MATL"), was originally founded as a joint venture of LECTRIX MATL Holdings, Limited Partnership and Rocky Mountain Power in late 2004. MATL was formed to construct a new privately
funded or “Merchant” transmission line
from Lethbridge, Alberta to Great Falls, Montana - Alberta’s first
power transmission inter-connection with the United States. The line, now in the permitting phase, is a 300 km/190 mile, 230
kV AC line, complete with a phase shifting transformer and up to
400 MW of transfer capacity.
An open season was conducted in the spring of 2005 and 305 MWs of capacity was sold.
In March 2006, LECTRIX and Rocky Mountain Power agreed to exchange their interest in MATL for shares of Tonbridge Power Inc. ("Tonbridge"). Tonbridge is a Canadian public company trading over the Toronto Venture Stock Exchange.
LECTRIX MATL Holdings maintains an equity interest in Tonbridge.
Other Projects
LECTRIX has identified other potential North American
merchant transmission projects and continuously monitors market
developments and opportunities related to these projects. |