LECTRIX was originally formed in October 1999 as a joint venture between American Electric Power, Bechtel Enterprises, Inc. and Siemens A.G. Two of the original founding officers of the company were Ronald Prater, formally with AEP, and Reynold Roeder, formally with PacifiCorp. The venture was formed to primarily pursue power quality and reliability projects throughout the world, and secondarily to develop merchant electrical transmission projects. LECTRIX’s first large project was designing and building the critical electrical and mechanical infrastructure for internet data centers located throughout Europe. Simultaneously, LECTRIX began the investigation and development of various merchant transmission projects in Canada. In July of 2001, the original owners of LECTRIX changed strategic direction and sold the business to a group of its executives. This executive group consolidated interests in November 2001 such that the business is now entirely owned by Mssrs. Prater and Roeder. Under the new owners, LECTRIX wound down its European and power quality and reliability operations so that the business is now focused solely on its transmission projects and related consulting.